Big Cottonwood Canyon Historical Society

Molly Green Stables, Big Cottonwood Canyon

Molly Green Stables, Big Cottonwood Canyon

Mission Statement

The Big Cottonwood Canyon Historical Society strives to honor, collect, preserve, and share the natural and cultural history of Big Cottonwood Canyon in order to provide a sense of place and public involvement that will promote stewardship and appreciation of this canyon.

Clover Blossoms

Clover Blossoms

Bingham Stage Lines

Bingham Stage Lines


The Big Cottonwood Canyon Historical Society has developed an inventory and description of materials (also known as a “Finding Aid”) for our three collections of historical archives as a means for the public to gain access to these histories in a method recommended by the Utah Division of Records and Archives.


Peruse these additional historical research projects by members of the Big Cottonwood Canyon Historical Society!

Request for Historical Material

A volunteer committee was formed to develop an archival library of canyon history for collecting, preserving and cataloging archival materials pertaining to all aspects of life in Big Cottonwood Canyon. It is important to note that although we have collected important historical materials since our inception, it was a monumental effort to determine just how to properly handle, catalogue, index and store these materials in an archival manner.

To this end, all society personnel listed on our home page have been taking classes and courses through the Utah Division of Records and Archives, located at 346 S Rio Grande St, SLC.  We feel it tremendously critical that all materials donated to us are carefully handled and dealt with in a scholarly manner.

We will happily archive copies of photos (please identify persons and places), books, stories, and histories from your family and friends. To donate for preservation, please download the donor agreement here and return it with your materials to a member of the Historical Society. Contact information below.

Please share this information with those who are no longer in the canyon but remember a strong history here.

Thank you,

Big Cottonwood Canyon Historical Society
8021 Brighton Loop Road
Brighton, UT  84121

435.714.2121   Jolene Despain, email Jolene
801.557.9411   Doug Fry, email Doug
801.819.9218   Steve Jorgensen, email Steve
801.756.3969   Brooke Derr, email Brooke
435.940.9099   Barbara Cameron, email Barbara