Please come and join the BI as we host the 4th of July breakfast and parade!
Breakfast will be served from 8 to 10 at Brighton’s Milley Chalet. The menu is breakfast burritos and a beverage for $8.50, yogurt parfait for $6, fruit cup for $5. Parade starts at 10:30, make sure you are there early to set up!
THIS YEAR THE BRIGHTON CIRCLE WILL BE CLOSED AT 10:30 TO 11:30, NO VEHICAL TRAFFIC IN OR OUT! Plan ahead and if you need to leave before then, please park on the road before the circle. Also, remember, for safety reasons, please do not throw candy!
This year BI will be doing a candy dump before the parade starts to help keep kids back away from the vehicles. Police motorcycles will go by once to clear the route and a second time to do tricks, followed by a crew of people throwing candy to kids and adults alike. The parade will follow, cars and floats, bikes, and finally walkers.