8-10 am Breakfast at Milly Chalet
Menu: Breakfast Burrito and milk, chocolate milk, juice, or coffee
Cost: $8.50
10:15 am Parade
UPD closes vehicle access to Brighton Loop. Parade Participants gather at the Brighton Chapel Parking Lot for staging.
10:30 am Parade begins – Two times ‘round the Loop.
GROUPS - Vehicles and Floats go first, Bicycles second, Walkers & Wagons go third. Because the Parade has grown so big, participants must stay with their group for safety reasons.
CANDY POLICY - Please no candy throws from vehicles or bicycles due to safety concerns for excitable kids darting in the road. Bubbles or water sprays are OK. However, candy throws for Walkers and Wagons are encouraged!
Wave, smile, enjoy greeting friends and fans!